The BCU SDK (software development kit) allows developing own application programs for BCU 1 and BCU 2 without the need for writing assembly code. Programming follows an object-oriented approach. BCU specific functions can be used in a very easy way. With the BCU SDK, you simply specify which parts of the BCU system software (like group objects) you would like to use and add necessary code parts in C to create BCU 1 and BCU 2 programs.

The separation of program code and project engineering data (group addresses, parameters) is supported. These (uncertified) programs cannot be used with the ETS, but are downloaded to the BCU via eibd.

  • GNU tool chain for M68HC05 with EIB support
  • RAD-style development
  • GCC/binutils + BCU headers/libraries
  • Multi-user, remote access management daemon
  • Integration tool interface

Further information

BCU SDK documentation - essential reading.

BCU SDK example programs

The BCU SDK homepage

BCU SDK project on SourceForge - also have a look at the mailing list archives.

BCU help files - use xchmviewer to view in Linux.

Rapid Application Development for KNX/EIB BCUs -
Presentation given at the 2005 Konnex Scientific Conference.


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