DeCPS: Focus on Transportation of the Future
16 June 2017, Vienna, Austria
Event of the 22nd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies Ada Europe
In recent years, the Internet-of-things has experienced an extraordinary development with a broad impact on society, however, there is still a gap between the physical world and the cyber one. This has been made possible by rapid advances in the information and communication technologies, in parallel with highly sophisticated embedded systems. As a consequence, the way systems are engineered needs to be changed, as cyber and physical systems cannot be considered disconnected anymore. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) constitute a new class of engineered systems, integrating software control and decision making with signals from an uncertain and dynamic environment. Internet transformed the way people interact and deal with information. CPS technology transformed the way people interact with engineered systems.
The interest in Cyber Physical Systems research has tremendously increased in the last five years, as proved by the considerable attention that funding agencies and programs, namely National Science Foundation (NSF) and H2020, devote to the field. On the other hand United States of America has placed CPS on the top of the priority list for federal research investment since 2008, (report of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technologies (PCAST)). Challenges addressed are adaptability, scalability, resiliency, dependability, and usability. CPS are considered a disruptive technologie which will transform the traditional manufacturing into Industry 4.0 solutions, and are used in a very wide spectrum of applications: smart mobility, autonomous driving, digital healthcare, smart grids and buildings, digital consumer products and services. ''In conclusion, the emerging Digital (R)-evolution relies heavily on Embedded Intelligent Systems technologies in domains where it is paramount that Europe takes leadership role'' (Laila Gide, ''The pathway to digital transformation: an opportunity for Europe'', ARTEMIS Magazine 20 May 2016).
The explosive growth of the world's population and of the related people connectivity poses the challenge to design and develop enhanced mobility and transportation options for sustainable and intelligent solutions like autonomous vehicles, sharing transport systems, connected roads with embedded sensors, smart traffic systems, and improved services to the users. AENEAS Strategic Agenda 2016/17 shares the following visions for Automotive and Transport:
- Autonomous and zero - accidents driving based on highly reliable and affordable electronic systems and components. Technologies for new ways of interacting between driver and car.
- Cars will become IoT devices and will connect with other IoT-devices, as e.g. road infrastructure, buildings, other cars, other models of transport (train, metro, ships, planes, ets.), vulnerable road users, etc. A key challenge will be the protection of the privacy of the driver and the security aspects when a car becomes an element in the cloud.
- Needs-based, user-friendly, affordable and sustainable electric vehicles embedded in a flexible and smart mobility infrastructure satisfy the need for individual mobility. Need for non-fossil-powered vehicles and different technologies to reduce the CO2 footprint. Nanoelectronics and embedded systems will provide essential features.
The workshop will gather together industrial practitioners and researchers in the topics of interest which include, but are not limited to:
- Vehicle of the Future
- Transport and Mobility
- Industry 4.0 in transportation sector
- Security and comfort of the end-user
- Human/Machine Interaction
DeCPS promotes gender equality in research and innovation. The strength-in-depth represented by the female scientists in our team will hopefully inspire a new generation of women to pursue an interest in science as a career. Some of the expected impacts are:
- Increase the participation of women in research, improve their careers and achieve gender balance in decision making.
- Increase the scientific quality and societal relevance of produced knowledge, technologies and innovations by integrating an in-depth understanding of both genders needs, behaviors and attitudes. It also contributes to the production of goods and services better suited to potential markets.
- 9.00-9.05 Daniela Cancila (CEA) Introduction
- 9.05-9.30 Silvia Mazzini (INTECS) The MegaM@Rt2 Approach and Tool Set
- 9.30-9.55 Masoumeh Parseh, Fredrik Asplund and Martin Törngren (KTH) Industrial Safety-Related
- 10.20-10.40 coffe-break
- 10.40-11.05 Manolo Dulva Hina, Assia Soukane and Amar Ramdane-Cherif (ECE). Cognition of Driving Context in a Connected and Semi-Autonomous Vehicle: A Perspective
- 11.05-11.30 Alessandra Bagnato, Etienne Brosse, Imran Rafiq Quadri and Andrey Sadovykh (SOFTEAM). The INTO-CPS Cyber-Physical System Profile
- 11.30-11.55 Ravi Tomar (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun) A novel approach to multicast in VANET using MQTT
- 11.55-13.00 Lunch
- 13.00-13.25 Daniela Cancila and Emine Laarouchi (CEA), Alessandra Abagnato (SOFTEAM). Dependability in the Transport of the Future
- 13.25-13.50 Laurent Rioux (Thales)
- 13.50-15.00 working group on new proposal of a project
Organizer and Program Committees
- Daniela Cancila, CEA LIST, France (Chair)
- Valeria Nuzzo, ECE Paris School of engineering, France
- Assia Soukane, ECE Paris School of engineering, France
- Martin Torngren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Industrial Co-Chair
- Alessandra Bagnato, SOFTEAM, France
- Philippa Ryan, Adelard, UK
- Cristina De Luca, Infineon Technologies Austria AG Austria
- Silvia Mazzini, INTECS Italy
- Laurent Rioux, Thales, France
Program Committee
- Katrina Attwood, University of York, UK
- Alessandra Bagnato, SOFTEAM, France
- Daniela Cancila, CEA lIST, France
- Hakima Chouchi, Institut Mines Telecom, France
- Vincent David, Krono-Safe, France
- Huascar Espinoza, Tecnalia, Spain
- Barbara Gallina, Malardalen University, Sweden
- Laila Gide, President of Artemis Industry Association, and Director for Advanced Studies Europe, reporting directly to Thales CTO - Technical Directorate, Thales, France (TBC)
- Silvia Mazzini, Intecs, Italy
- Elisabeth Métais, Laboratoire Cédric CNAM, France
- Luis Miguel Pinho, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
- Valeria Nuzzo, ECE Paris School of engineering, France
- Amar Ramdane Cherif, University of Versailles/Paris-Saclay, France
- Laurent Rioux, Thales, France
- Assia Soukane, ECE Paris School of engineering, France
- Martin Torngren, KTH, Sweden
Important Dates
- Submission of regular papers (4 pages, style IEEE) industrial presentations (abstract) 25 April 2017
- Notification of acceptance to all authors: 15 Mai 2017
- Camera-ready version of papers required: 15 September 2017
- Publication on Ada User Journal: December 2017
Authors for papers and industrial presentations shall submit their work via EasyChair at
Located few steps away from Eiffel Tower, ECE Paris School of Engineering is committed to train students in science and technology focusing on emerging information and communications technology. ECE proposes an innovative approach and dynamic higher education creating the next leading engineers of an ever-changing society. Students at ECE Paris will choose to specialize in embedded systems, information systems, connected objects, transportation, energy, health, financial engineering. Research and development programs at ECE produce cutting-edge work in
- intelligent/embedded/real-time systems with applications on autonomous vehicles,
- nanotechnologies,
- financial engineering,