Authors' Resources
This page is for authors of accepted papers and provides instructions and resources for producing the camera-ready version.
Congratulations for your paper. It will be
published by Springer in the LNCS series. This is a very professional
publisher, and as such requires high quality documents.
Camera Ready
In preparing your camera ready, please follow strictly the Author Guidelines, and refrain from using any style outside these guidelines. Please note that your final paper shall have between a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 16 pages; it will be reviewed for conformance, and any non-conformity may result in slowing down the publishing process.
Remember: the camera ready is due by 19 March 2017.
Please also fill and sign the Author Consent to Publish form, and produce a scanned PDF version of it. It is sufficient for one of the authors to sign the copyright form. Please be advised that the boxes at the bottom of that form should only be signed by authors employed by the institutions cited in the box.
For your information, the Volume name is “22nd International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2017”. The Editors are Johann Blieberger and Tullio Vardanega.
Once you are done with all preparations, please submit the files belonging to your camera-ready paper and your author consent form, using your EasyChair author account. Follow the instructions after the login for uploading:
a zipped file containing either all your LaTeX sources and the scanned PDF of the author consent to publish, or a Word file in the RTF format and the scanned PDF of the above consent form; and
the PDF version of your camera-ready paper.
Please notice that we strictly require that at least one of the authors registers for the conference at the time of the final submission (19 March 2017). Failing to do this will result in your paper not being included in the proceedings. In making your registration, please also let us know who of your co-authors will deliver the presentation at the conference.
Interaction with publisher
Please be advised that once data processing is finished at Springer, our publisher will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. This will happen around mid May, shortly before volume printing will start. At that time your quick interaction with Springer will be greatly appreciated.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation in these matters and thank you again for your valuable contribution to Ada-Europe 2017.