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Security in Building Automation |
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Secure Building Automation NetworkRequirementsSecurityTo be able to secure communication between all kinds of building automation applications, the following security objectives have to be met.
Quality of ServiceDepending on the requirements of the control applications, necessary communication services must also guarantee different Quality-of-Service (QoS) properties related to security. The most important one is reliability. Services are said be reliable if the following properties can be guaranteed:
In addition to reliability, the ordering of the messages may also be a requirement (see data freshness). In the general case of multiple sources and sinks, three kinds of ordering are distinguished:
Secure Communication ArchitectureTo provide a generic solution that it is applicable to building automation systems of all sizes and types (including security-critical applications), the requirements identified in the previous section have to be satisfied. To achieve this, the proposed architecture is based on a modular, plugin-based, multi-protocol communication stack. Its main feature is the support for communication services that guarantee end-to-end security on a per-device level. The stack itself is partitioned into three layers (cf. Fig. 1). The Network Specific Layer (NSL) provides low-level communication services that are used to transmit messages over native network media. To be able to reuse an already existing network infrastructure, any data link/physical layer combination can be used. On top of the NSL, the so called Security Abstraction Layer (SAL) is located. The SAL is the key component within the stack. It abstracts the communication services of the NSL, enhances them with security, QoS, and routing/naming features, and offers generic secure communication services to the above located Application Specific Layer (ASL). The ASL cares for the functionality of a common application layer and provides an interface to user applications. As all layers operate on plugins, easy extension is supported.![]() Fig.1 Multi-protocol architecture Network Specific LayerThe NSL corresponds to layers 1 and 2 of the OSI reference model. It provides basic access to the underlying network medium and supports low-level communication services for sending and receiving messages on a single hop basis. Today, many different building automation technologies exist which in turn support various network media. Each of them offers significant advantages regarding their physical characteristics. While Ethernet based networks provide high bandwidth that is necessary for backbone networks, fieldbuses based on Twisted-Pair (TP) or Powerline are advantageous at the field level since they support free topology. Wireless technologies, with all their benefits and challenges, are also getting more and more important. Available technologies also differ at the data link layer. For example, some of them offer native support for multicast (e.g., KNX, LonTalk) which can be used to efficiently exchange data within communication groups. % Others, in turn, provide medium access mechanisms based on TDMA schemes (e.g., IEEE 802.15.4). As a result, choosing a single existing data link/physical layer combination or even developing a new one is not desirable. Therefore, the presented solution does not demand the use of a single data link/physical layer combination - in principle, it is possible to reuse any existing network technology. To provide an abstraction of the underlying data link communication services, so called data link plugins are introduced. A data link plugin is dedicated to a specific data link/physical layer combination and is located between the NSL and the SAL. Data link plugins are geared towards sensible (re-)use of already existing data link primitives. This means that each plugin chooses the services that fit best for the communication services required by the SAL. A typical example would be the reuse of the existing multicast communication services of KNX or LonTalk. In contrast to that, the use of unsuited protocol features (e.g., ineffective security mechanisms provided by KNX or LonTalk) can be blocked by the plugin. Furthermore, it is even possible that a device implements more than one data link/physical layer combination (multi-protocol devices). Therefore, devices are able to have several interfaces to heterogeneous networks. In addition to native data link plugins, it shall also be possible to use a higher layer (i.e., layer 3 and above) as data link layer. To achieve this, a so called Virtual Data Link Layer (VDLL) is included. A VDLL simulates the use of higher protocol layers as native data link layer. A typical example would be the use of IP as data link layer for the SAL. To be able to use a broad range of network technologies, the demands on the underlying data link/physical layer combinations shall be reduced to a minimum. Therefore, only an unconfirmed unicast and broadcast communication service are considered as mandatory. Fig. 2 shows the resulting low-level communication interface that is located between the NSL and the SAL. The data link services unicast-send and unicast-receive are used to send and receive local unicast messages. ADRsrc and ADRdst denote the source and destination addresses used by the data link layer of the underlying network technology. To send and receive local broadcast messages i.e., messages to all network members located at the same network segment, the services broadcast-send and broadcast-receive are available. Other communication services (e.g., native support for multicast) or service features (e.g., confirmed communication) are optional. However, if they are provided by the underlying data link/physical layer combination, they may be reused by the corresponding data link plugins. A typical example would be use of services for multicast communication (cf. multicast-send and multicast-receive in Fig. 2).![]() Fig.2 Low-level communication interface between NSL and SAL Security Abstraction LayerThe SAL corresponds to the OSI layers 3 to 6 serving two objectives. First, it is responsible for providing a routing scheme that allows a communication across heterogeneous network segments. % following a two-tier architecture (i.e., field area networks coupled by a common backbone). To achieve this, a global addressing scheme is introduced. This scheme is based on global SAL addresses that are used by the user applications to address other devices or groups of them (i.e., communication groups). Each device has to have a unique ID (denoted as IDA) that acts as SAL address. In practice, this ID can be a serial number or a well-defined human-readable name. Each network segment has a dedicated SAL network address Nx that is unique within the whole network. Between network segments, routers that implement the proposed communication stack are located. Since the network topology is static, it is assumed that routers are configured accordingly. This means that each router knows the network addresses of its connected network segments and has sufficient routing information to find the next hop to any network segment. Using these SAL addresses, routing across network segment borders is possible - the SAL maps the node's ID (IDA) to the network address where the device is connected to and also to its so called device address (denoted as ADRA) and vice versa. A device address has to be unique within the network segment and is identical to the address used by the corresponding data link layer. Using this mapping scheme, the different data link layers can be abstracted and a heterogeneous routing is possible. Additionally, devices can be arranged in communication groups. Since communication groups are not limited to a dedicated network segment, they are defined within the scope of the whole network. Each group has a dedicated group ID (denoted as IDGx) which acts as SAL address. Again, this ID is used by the application to uniquely identify a specific group. If the underlying network technology provides a native multicast service at the data link layer, IDGx is mapped to the group address(es) used by the data link layer(s) (denoted as ADRGx). Otherwise, the SAL maps the request to multiple unicasts or to a global broadcast. The second objective of the SAL is to provide generic secure communication services to the ASL. The security concept of the SAL is based on the concept of secure communication relationships. A node can be member of one or more secure communication relationships. Depending on the amount of members, three different types of secure communication relationships are distinguished. A network relationship (denoted as Nx) consists of all members of a network segment. Relationships that contain only two members are referred to as session relationships or sessions. A session is denoted as SXY where the nodes X and Y are the two members of the relationship. Finally, relationships that consist of three or more members that are located across the entire network are referred to as communication groups. A communication group is denoted as Gx where IDGx holds the unique ID within the network. Based on these three different types of communication relationship, all six communication types typically found in building automation can be supported by the SAL: secure point-to-point control data communication and device management are performed within sessions using secure unicast, secure loose group communication and network management are handled by network relationships using secure broadcast, and secure strict group communication and group management are provided by communication groups using secure multicast. To protect the communication services against security attacks, a secured channel is necessary. The basis for providing a secured channel is the use of cryptographic schemes. However, cryptographic schemes are computationally intensive. Since embedded devices with limited system resources (processing power, persistent and volatile memory, power consumption, and network bandwidth) are commonly used in building automation, the realization of a secured channel must not exceed the available device resources. Therefore, only those cryptographic schemes that are absolutely necessary to satisfy the security demands of the application shall be implemented (``good enough security''). For example, if the non-disclosure of the transmitted data is not a strict requirement, guaranteeing data origin authentication and freshness may be sufficient. Therefore, applications are able to choose between the following security levels:
The communication services provided by the SAL are accessible through the so called high-level communication interface (cf. Fig. 3). To establish a session for secure point-to-point control data communication or device management, the session-start primitive has to be used. IDdst denotes the ID of the destination node, security the required security level (i.e., raw, protected, trusted or confidential with optional support for data origin authentication), reliability the requirements regarding reliability (i.e., integrity, no duplicates, and liveness), and ordering the desired ordering of the messages (i.e., single-source FIFO, causal, or total) demanded by the application. Message exchange during a session is done by the session-send and session-receive services. To terminate a session, the session-end service is available. ![]() Fig.3 High-level communication interface between SAL and ASL To join a network, the network-join service is present. Since it is possible that a node has more than one network interface, the parameter if specifies the interface where the join has to be performed. Again, security, reliability, and ordering denote the requirements of the application. To exchange messages within network relationships, three different kinds of services are available. The network-send-local and network-receive-local services are dedicated for local broadcast i.e., broadcast dedicated to members of the network segment where the device is connected to. The parameter if specifies the target interface of the local broadcast. The network-send-remote and network-receive-remote primitives are used to send and receive messages that need to be forwarded to a remote network segment. The address of the destination network segment is specified using the parameter Ndst. Finally, the network-send-global and network-receive-global services are available for addressing all members within the entire network. To leave the network where the device is connected to, the network-leave service is provided. Using the group-join service, a device is able to participate in a group. IDG specifies the ID of the group, security the required security level, and reliability as well as ordering the QoS properties demanded by the application. Sending and receiving of group messages are possible using the group-send and group-receive services. To leave a communication group, the group-leave service is at hand. To be able to fulfill the requirements regarding security, reliability, and ordering, the communication stack of the SAL is supported by the so called security manager. It is responsible for managing the membership of the different secure communication relationships (i.e., session establishment and termination, network/group join/leave). It has also the task to maintain the corresponding meta-data that are associated with the relationships. For each relationship, this includes the corresponding SAL and data link addresses, routing information to reach the specific members of the relationship, as well as the used cryptographic secrets to protect communication against security attacks. Application Specific Layer![]() Fig.4 Application model The ASL corresponds to the application layer of the OSI reference model. It makes use of the communication services provided by the underlying high-level communication interface and offers an API to the hosted user application(s). The main aim of the ASL is to completely hide the complexity of the underlying communication system. For user application engineers, it shall be possible to focus on the implementation of the functionality of the desired control applications - that is the collection of input information, performing control functionality, and interacting with the environment by setting new output values. However, user application engineers should not need to bother with communication details. Managing communication relationships and dealing with data exchange between the user applications shall be left to the stack. To provide such a high-level approach, the ASL is based on the concept of data points (cf. Fig. 4). They provide an abstract encapsulation of the control data that is under control of the user applications (e.g., the current output value of a light). The ASL is responsible for the management of these data points. All data points of a device are represented as so called Application Objects (AOs) stored in a generic application object database. A typical example would be a binary object of type ``Boolean'' that represents the output value i.e., the data point of a light. To access these AOs, two different ways exist. First, the user application must be able to manipulate the AOs of interest. The access to the application object database shall only be possible through a well-defined API. Second, since control applications are typically of distributed nature, remote devices must also be able to access remote data points via the network. This is achieved by associating data points of one node with (multiple) data points hosted on remote nodes. These associations are also referred to as bindings. If two AOs located at two remote devices are bound with each other, changing the value of the data point at one side also changes the value of the corresponding data point at the remote side. Using this scheme, user applications can take full advantage of control data that is distributed across the entire network. Consider, for example, the AO of a light switch that is bound with the AOs of two lights (cf. Fig. 4). The necessary binding information is stored within a so called binding table that is under control of the ASL. Note that associations between AOs are not restricted to one-to-one relations. One-to-many or even many-to-many bindings may also be possible. To be able to perform a reasonable binding between remote AOs, the structure and semantics of the associated data points have to be specified, too. This concerns the data point type, the corresponding representation (i.e., the encoding of the data points' values within network messages and their interpretation), and meta-data that is associated with the data point. Typical examples of meta-data among others are engineering units, upper and lower bounds, and most important the required security and QoS level. It must be possible to specify the minimum security and QoS level that the remote node must fulfill in order to be able to bind to a remote AO. Beside the ability to change the value of data points, their management is also of great importance. This concerns creation, changing, and removal of AOs as well as their corresponding binding entries. These configuration and maintenance tasks shall be possible within two ways. First, the API shall provide user applications the opportunity to dynamically manage AOs and their associated bindings during runtime. Second, it shall also be possible to access the AOs using management tools. Management access can be provided via the network (using the same secure communication services as for user applications) or via a dedicated local interface (e.g., using a point-to-point connection). Obviously, to avoid malicious misuse, the management access must be protected. |
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