
iETS, the ETS for the Internet age, is a new software package with many interesting business opportunities for EIB manufacturers and installers. The workshop is the ideal place to find out more about the potential of iETS. Java-based technologies are considered very important in the EIB world. At the same time, the operating system Linux attracts a lot of attention. Many interesting research&development projects will leave the prototype stage this year. In order to discuss experiences and new ideas, the EIB Special Workshop on Java, Jini and Linux will bring together people from industry as well as from academia.

The EIB Special Workshop for Java, Jini and Linux is organised by EIB Association together with Vienna University of Technology.

Listen to presentations and hands-on demonstrations about

Invited presentation

Li Gong, Ph.D., Director Server Products, Sun Microsystems:
Connecting Broadband Services and Internet-Capable Appliances with OSGi/Java Embedded Server.


Participation fee (including lunch and probably workshop proceedings) is 100 Euro. Fill out the registration form and fax it to +32 2 6755028. In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Johnson by email, or by telephone: +32 2 7758645.


TU Wien, Festsaal Karlsplatz 13, A-1040 Wien


Follow the links accomodation for further accomodation and travel information.


Follow the link flyer to get the official invitation of the Workshop in PDF-Format.