Application Form

EIBA Special Workshop on Java, Jini and Linux

April 28th, 2000 - TU Vienna


Name(s): ________________________ ________________________

Company: ________________________

E-mail address: ________________________

Address: ________________________ ________________________

Phone number: ________________________

Fax number: ________________________

Please register me for the EIB Special Workshop on iETS, Java, Jini and Linux on April 28th.

I/We will pay ____x Euro 100,- = Euro_________ after receipt of the invoice.

Reference: EIB Java Workshop 2000 - participation fee.

Date, City: ________________________

Signature: ________________________

Please return this form before the 21st of April, 2000 c/o Mrs. Hazel Johnson EIBA sc, Neerveldstraat 105, B-1200 Brussels Fax +32 2 675 50 28