Bettina Weiss, Günther Gridling, Ulrich Schmid,
Klaus Schossmaier.
The SimUTC Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems Simulation Toolkit,
accepted for the 7th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS),
College Park, USA, October 24-28, 1999.
earlier version:
TR 183/1-94, Technische Universität Wien, Dept. of Automation, April 1999.
download: in print
(copyright IEEE)
slides: in print
We introduce our SimUTC toolkit, a fault-tolerant distributed system's
simulation built upon the discrete event simulation package C++SIM.
SimUTC has been developed in the course of our project SynUTC
and targets distributed algorithms for high-accuracy fault-tolerant
clock synchronization. This application domain requires detailed
simulation models for network transmission and local clock devices,
fault-injection capabilities, flexible system configuration
facilities, and customized data capture and analysis tools. We
explain how SimUTC addresses those issues and provide a few samples
of simulation results gathered from the evaluation of two clock
synchronization algorithms.
Ulrich Schmid, Bettina Weiss, Günther Gridling,
Klaus Schossmaier.
A Unified Approach for Simulation and Experimental Evaluation
of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems,
Proceedings (invited paper) of the IASTED International Conference
on Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS), Cairns, Australia,
September 1-3, 1999.
ams99.ps.gz (70KB)
(copyright IASTED)
slides_ams99.tgz (105KB)
This paper surveys our framework for simulation and experimental evaluation
of round-based clock synchronization algorithms in fault-tolerant distributed
real-time systems. Developed in our project SynUTC, our toolkit is based upon
a generic architecture that incorporates either real network controllers and
clock devices or, alternatively, their simulated counterparts.
Despite the higher design complexity, we obtained a considerable saving w.r.t.
overall development time due to the fact that major parts of the toolkit, like
data capture/analysis, are the same for both simulation and evaluation. We
briefly outline the appropriate features and round off by a few sample results
gathered from the simulation of two clock synchronization algorithms.
Günther Gridling.
Evaluation System for Clock Synchronization Algorithms,
TR 183/1-89, Technische Universität Wien,
Dept. of Automation, 1999.
Gerald Hummel, Bettina Weiss.
Random Generators,
TR 183/1-92, Technische Universität Wien,
Dept. of Automation, February 1999.
Our project SynUTC is devoted to the development of soft- and hardware for
very high precision/accuracy clock synchronization in fault-tolerant distributed
systems. In the course of this project, the simulation system SimUTC was
developed, which allows to execute and evaluate clock synchronization
algorithms [Wei99]. However, in order to simulate the indeterministic
nature of the hardware we need random generators that allow us to
model the transmission delay characteristics of a network or the
behaviour of clock drifts. The goal of this work (carried out by Gerald Hummel
at the Department of Automation in the course of an Informatikpractikum 1)
is to implement such generators in the programming language C++.
Klaus Schossmaier, Johann Klasek.
Implementing the Optimal Precision Algorithm for Clock State&Rate
TR 183/1-91, Technische Universität Wien, Dept. of Automation,
February 1999.
This report describes how we implemented our Optimal Precision (OP)
Algorithm designed for the synchronization of both the state and rate
of clocks in a distributed system. The remarkable features of this
algorithm are as follows: well-defined intervals are used as means to
achieve the synchronization, parameters are required for applying the
convergence function, and a state/rate adjustable interval-clock is
accessed. The resulting C++ code is integrated in our simulation toolkit
SimUTC, where many classes, data structures and functions are available
for reuse. In order to test the algorithm, several files are written during
a simulation run, which are further processed by the gnuplot tool.
Bettina Weiss.
Simulation Environment for Clock Synchronization,
TR 183/1-88, Technische Universität Wien, Dept. of Automation,
February 1999.
download SimUTC:
Archive (930KB),
User Manual (356KB),
HTML documentation
This report is a collection of 3 documents concerning project SimUTC
version SimUTC User Manual (43 pages), SimUTC Interface to the
Evaluation (36 pages), and SimUTC Hardware Portation (26 pages).
Bettina Weiss.
Simulation Environment for Clock Synchronization,
Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien,
Dept. of Automation, June 1997.
This thesis is concerned with the development of a simulation program
for evaluating distributed interval-based clock synchronization algorithms.
The program, which has been written in C++, uses a discrete-event approach
to simulate the environment of such algorithms, and allows the user to control
this environment, thus exposing the clock synchronization algorithm to
well-known conditions. The behaviour of the algorithm, which is represented
by the value of the clock that it controls, is monitored and made available
to the user.