2013-03-15: Revision 1.10 of the Process and Profile Ontology: * ADDED: disjoint axioms for primitive classes * ADDED: object property: ppo:hasPredictionPattern * ADDED: object property: ppo:hasProfileRange * ADDED: object property: ppo:capturesActivity * ADDED: object property: ppo:parameterValueInfluencedBy * ADDED: object property: ppo:perceivedThrough * ADDED: object property: ppo:hasPatternFocusObjective * ADDED: object property: ppo:hasProfileFocusObjective * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:hasFocusObjective (domain) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:hasActiveTime (range) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:hasSampleTime (range) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:influencesParameterValue (inverseOf) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:isInfluencedBy (range) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:changesParameterValue (range) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:changesParameterValue renamed to ppo:influencesParameterValue * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:hasScheduledValue (range) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:supervisesState renamed to ppo:supervisesCurrentValue * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:hasDomain renamed to ppo:hasProcessDomain * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:validForPeriod renamed to ppo:validFor * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:validFor (range) * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:recordedAt renamed to ppo:records * MODIFIED: object property: ppo:records (range) * DELETED: object property: ppo:hasAssociatedProcess * ADDED: datatype property: ppo:hasMinValue * ADDED: datatype property: ppo:hasMaxValue * ADDED: datatype property: ppo:hasRepresentativeness * MODIFIED: datatype property: ppo:hasValue (functional) * MODIFIED: datatype property: ppo:hasReliability (functional) * ADDED: class ppo:AbstractAimProfile * ADDED: class ppo:TemperatureProcess * ADDED: class: ppo:GeneralShutterCommandProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:ShutterUserReadjustmentProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:ShutterLevelProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:ShutterLevelParameter * ADDED: class: ppo:ElectricitySpotPricesProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:DwellingDomesticHotWaterConsumptionProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:DwellingWaterConsumptionProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:DwellingGasConsumptionProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:DwellingElectricityConsumptionProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:PowerLineStatusProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:PowerLineConsumptionProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:DeviceConsumptionProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:HotWaterDemandProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:HotWaterParameter * ADDED: class: ppo:DeviceStatusProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:PowerLineStatusParameter * ADDED: class: ppo:HourlyProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:SeasonalProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:WeeklyProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:YearlyProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:MonthlyProfile * ADDED: class: ppo:HumidificationProcess * ADDED: class: ppo:DeHumidificationProcess * ADDED: class: ppo:CurrentSituationParameter * ADDED: class: ppo:RangeParameter * ADDED: class: ppo:ValueParameter * MODIFIED: class: ppo:HumidifyingProcess renamed to ppo:HumidityProcess * MODIFIED: class: ppo:Process (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:Application (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:EnergyParameter (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:CountingParameter (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ProfileScopeParameter renamed to ppo:ScopeParameter * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ScopeParameter (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ComfortApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:EfficiencyApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SelfCheckingApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:GeneralCommandForLightingGroupsApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ReachSetpointRelativeHumidityApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ReachSetpointTemperatureApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:EfficientLightingApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SelfCheckingLightingManagementApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SelfCheckingRelativeHumidityManagementApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SelfCheckingTemperatureManagementApplication (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:Profile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:Pattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SeasonalPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:AutumnPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SpringPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SummerPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:WinterPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LightingUserReadjustmentProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:RelativeHumidityUserReadjustmentProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SpecificAimProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:TemperatureUserReadjustmentProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LightingUserReadjustmentProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:RelativeHumidityUserReadjustmentProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SpecificAimProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:UserReadjustmentProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ComfortTemperatureProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ComfortRelativeHumidityProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:DeviceCentricProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:AirConditionProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:DoorProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LightingSystemProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:RadiatorProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ShutterProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:WindowProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:AirConditionProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:HumidifyingProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:AiringProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LightingProcess (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LightingControlProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LightLevelProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ConsumptionProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:CountingProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:GeneralLightingCommandProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:SetpointLevelProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:UsageProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:OccupancyProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:UserContextProfile (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:OccupancyPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:RelativeHumidityPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:ComfortTemperaturePattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:RelativeHumidityPattern renamed to ppo:ComfortRelativeHumidityPattern * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LastDaysPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:Last10DaysPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:Last20DaysPattern (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LevelSituationParameter (axiom) * MODIFIED: class: ppo:LevelSituationParameter renamed to ppo:LevelParameter * MODIFIED: class: ppo:DoubleValuedSituationParameter renamed to ppo:DoubleValuedParameter * MODIFIED: class: ppo:DoubleValuedParameter (axiom) * DELETED: class: ppo:TimeRelatedProfile * DELETED: class: ppo:LightingControlProfile * DELETED: class: ppo:UserContextProfile * DELETED: class: ppo:TemporalParameter * DELETED: class: ppo:BuildingSituationParameter